it's been well over a year now since my last proper album, and currently i don't really have any strong intentions to make an official sixth album. over the past year and a half (roughly), i've made about 5 hours worth of new material, giving me more than enough to compile into multiple albums, but the reason i haven't done this is because nearly all of this has been made with a much greater purpose in mind that i don't plan to reveal publicly any time soon. if i were to release any of this in album form, i feel like it would be wrong to label it as a proper sixth album in my discography, and a more appropriate label would probably just be a compilation.

a sixth album would also most likely be drastically different from my previous projects because, following the release of manifest concept, i've almost exclusively focused on making mostly if not entirely original music. at most, some tracks on manifest concept were maybe 20% original and otherwise fully sample-based, but now it's more so the opposite for my recent material. to be fair, i suspect approximately nobody would be upset about this change since my original music seems to be a lot more well-received than my plunderphonics work, but i still see it as a kind of jarring change in concept.

there is also the possibility that i could attempt to make another plunderphonics album (which was attempted in the form of forgotten scenes), but this is also complicated by the fact that i just don't really enjoy making that kind of stuff anymore. since manifest concept i've only made a handful of sample-based tracks, and each time i just felt like i wasn't really enjoying the process anywhere near as much as making original stuff. the moody ambient stuff akin to you're never going home is a lot harder to make now with a more critical eye, as my previous albums were made at a time where, for better or for worse, i just didn't really care about how much effort went into my stuff or how engaging it was to listen to. i now find that quality long-form ambient tracks are actually really hard to make. on the other hand, mashups are always an option, but those are also not particularly easy to make given that it can be difficult to find multiple different songs that actually sound okay together.