an entire section dedicated to my greatest failures as a producer!!!

PINK ALBUM - created 2020-2021. an attempt at a (mostly) comedic mashup record. basically left in a draft state; most tracks have questionable mixing and after completing the tracklist i decided to listen back to the album a few times and realized it totally sucked and most tracks were just fundamentally bad in concept, and just not funny on top of that. highlights included mashups such as:

the fuzzy creature thing on the cover is something i've had for years and i don't remember where i got it from. it's laying on a dining room table, just color shifted to make it pink.

REMNANTS - the tracks "dagendrav", "seam break", "no name" and "long live the dink" originally appeared on this album, and were later reworked to be used in manifest concept.

TRASH - created 2021. following the disaster of the pink album this was the start of an attempt at a more "sophisticated" mashup record, but this never went anywhere as only three tracks were completed along with an unfinished fourth. the tracks were somewhat more complex in arrangement and had a more serious tone (kind of), but they still sucked. the album cover is a blurry photo of christmas lights.

REMNANTS - the track roller rink rats is still public on youtube. this was meant to be a more comedic track than the rest.

MISSING SOMETHING - created 2020. originally some weird attempt at making an entire hour-long single some time before finishing you're never going home, i came back to this some time later with the idea of reworking it into some kind of successor to that album, having some vague concept of an album meant to convey some kind of journey through a dark and desolate world. the tracklist was technically finished and if it were released it would stand as my longest album, being over 90 minutes long, but like the pink album, i listened back to it a few times and just didn't like it. of the ten proposed tracks, most, if not all, were boring and really lazily arranged. the album cover is a photo taken in the evening on the coast of lake michigan.

REMNANTS - two tracks from this album are still public on youtube, those being midnight inc. and cisternity.

FORGOTTEN SCENES - created 2022. based on some concept for an album about the backrooms and related liminal spaces. although work on this started some time after having become more invested in writing original music, this was planned to be another sample-based record, albeit with more original elements than any previous works. however, i shortly lost interest in this idea as the whole trend of liminal spaces and especially the backrooms is something i've grown tired of, and i was struggling to think of interesting ideas for this that actually seemed achieveable. the album cover is a photo of my family's basement before we properly moved into our current house, with some black rectangle on the right to give the impression that something in the photo is being censored.

REMNANTS - a few tracks from this are on youtube. the hypothetical opening track, declip, is meant to convey the sudden entry into the backrooms. shallow end is based on the derivative poolrooms, meant to sound like some kind of bossa nova track you could hear over the loudspeaker in said poolrooms. numerologic was a track made before any of this that i arbitrarily decided could work in this album as a more pleasant and comforting moment.